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Video Production Kit

Having to become a videographer in my own right or at college required me to kit up. All from 12 things a filmmaker must have

This is lot is recommended. Some I have.

  1. PC with video card, RAM and screens
  2. Full HD camera with Manual 
  3. Memory – lots of cards
  4. Filters – for shallow depth of field
  5. Fluid head tripod e.g. Manproto 501 
  6. Sound Recorder – Tascam or Zoom HR4N
  7. Headphones
  8. External microphone – shot mike AT83JB 
  9. Mic stand boom pole
  10. Lighting & Disk Reflector
  11. Editing Software: hit film express
  12. External harddrive

1: Desktop Computer

I have always been a MAC person and run an iMac with two full on screens from home. I don’t have such luxury at work where I use a PC at whatever desk I land on, never a double screen and sometimes a challenge to upload and use the software.

2. Full HD Camera with Manual Setting

I got myself a Sony Alpha 7 four years ago and use this with a mixture of lenses supported by a lens adaptor for a zoom lens. I have a 50mm, a 40m prime lens, a short Sony zoom and longer 300m Minolta that must be 30 years old, ditto a fish eye.

3. Memory Cards

I need more to be safe!

4. Filter

I tend not to use anything more than a filter to protect the lens. How often is it so bright in the UK. But if it is advisory to have one then I’ll do so.

5. Fluid head tripod

Crucial, but who buys one, me or college? There’s also the opton of a steady-cam gimble.

6. Sound Recorder

This is vital. The sound quality we are producing at college is pants. It matters that we can hear the speaker and hear them clearly without background interuptions. Whether this means going the whole hog and having a second system and operator is another matter. I cannot direct, ask questions and hold and monitor the sound via a boom pole can I?

7. Headphones

And then concentrate. Despite already doing the job of three people.

8. External Mic

To go with 6 & 7.

9. And to support it.

10. A disk reflector is a fine idea, but now we need a third or fourth pair of hands surely?

11. Edit Software. I edit on whatever is simplest. I’ve never managed with anything fancy. iMovies has been my starter, so I’ll take a look at Hitfilm Express. There are pros and cons.

12: External Hard Drive

Despite all the above I had a former editor/videographer showing off what can be done in camera on an iPhone. Beautiful smooth wide shots, dropped into a time line, butt-joined and GVs added even cutting to a single audio track to produce a pro looking cut almost in real time.

Would it be simpler to invest in a better iPhone?

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