Home » Blogging » 12 Reasons why academics should blog

12 Reasons why academics should blog


  1. To disseminate research. Towards journalism. Towards a book. Even a thesis or paper.
  2. Thought leadership. Reputational. A career move for others to know what you have to say, for media and academia. To express a personal opinion rather than that of your subject expertise or institution.
  3. Social media marketing – to promote your work, as a lecturer, educator and professional academic writer. To support students: a place for lecture notes and reflection on lectures and tutorials. For followers and fans.
  4. PR for the faculty – though corporate blogging is directed, needs to be on brief, and is ideally undertaken through the communications department.
  5. Recruitment to the faculty, course and module.
  6. As part of a learning community. As a like mind. To take part, to be a player and participant. Tenure.
  7. To develop digital literacy skills. Find and connect to likeminds.
  8. In different formats: not just text and images, but video and audio too of lectures and seminars, or simply talking to camera.
  9. To develop and try out writing styles and ideas.
  10. Engage. Recipricosity.
  11. To create and develop creative and productionskills.
  12. For the pleasure of it.



  1. Weekademia says:

    Great, this is exactly why I have just started my blog

  2. Very much related to all the reasons. In my particular case I would add that blogging is my space to take a stand against academic writing. Important ideas published in journals must be communicated but probably won’t if they’re trapped in layers of tedious, dry and boring language.

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